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RGA Memberships

Membership benefits




RGA covers more than half! You only pay $7!

affiliate contacts

Access to an extensive list of affiliates and ample networking opportunities are available!

education opportunities

Free or discounted rates!

member discounts

To list just a few... Fedex, Dell, Hertz. Visit the NAR website for a complete list.

association luncheons/ BREAKFASTS

Free attendance to all!

GAR legal hotline

FREE and unlimited access!

membership info & resources

RGA has two types of memberships:

  • PRIMARY MEMBERSHIP indicates you are paying your National Association of REALTORS(NAR) and State dues through this Association.
  • SECONDARY MEMBERSHIP indicates you are paying your local and/or State dues through another Association in another state in which you are licensed.

To determine which membership you should apply for, ask your broker which local association they are a member of. For questions regarding our process, please email Judi Summers at Once an application has been completed, an orientation date will be scheduled for new members and any fees due will be paid at this time.

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